Since the boom of the Internet, humans have explored the boundaries of what websites can do and how they offer a quick and efficient tool of communication. They are easy to get to and stand to be the first impression that many get of a certain company, person or cause. The two Internet sites I have chose are and They American Red Cross is my chosen organization that I am currently designing my poster, handout, brochure and newsletter for. DMagazine is the company that I am interested in working for once I graduate this summer.
Let's first look at the American Red Cross' website. While browsing the homepage of their website, there is easy navigation. A tool bar of different options, including "Preparing for Emergencies, Getting Assistance, Giving and Getting Involved, Working with the Red Cross and Your Local Red Cross" allow you to find where you need to go. Once your mouse glides over these different areas of text, there is a drop-down menu that gives you more options so that you may further your search in where you would like to go. The overall presentation is nice. The colors are taupe, red, light taupe and blue. They are nice and pleasant on the eyes. It is not the most entertaining website, but it informs and educates those who are seeking information about the American Red Cross. The website does a good job of being consistent in this presentation throughout the website. Sine organization has so much to offer and information is easy to access, it is susceptible a lack of repetition throughout the website. They have done a good job of having a unified theme running throughout the website. The layout is a vertical layout, and does not require a horizontal scroll. This is a nice touch for the users. BEcause it is a popular organization, the number of users is high and it must be as simple as possible to access the website throughout. The content is relevant, accurate and informative. The homepage has a video, uploaded from, and it shows how the Red Cross volunteers focus on the children of Samoa. It is moving and effective. It allows the visitor of the site to see the good work that the organization is doing for the world.
DMagazine is a local magazine for Dallas, TX that touches on entertainment, news and different cultural topics during our time. It is a relevant magazine that markets to spans of people from all walks of life. Once I graduate, I would like to be an editor of the magazine. Whether dealing with the content or the general layout, I feel that I will have a good eye in knowing what readers want to read and what is important to them. Once on their homepage, it is overwhelmingly busy and you are constantly torn between what hot topic to choose. At the top toolbar there are the options "Blogs, Best of Big D, Restaurants, Bars, Entertainment, and Party Pics". Underneath the top toolbar is a smaller toolbar that says "Home Shopping, Home & Garden, Real Estate, Weddings, Travel, and Find a Doctor". These main search topics are broad and general, yet they reach every spectrum of the population of Dallas. The overall presentation is clean with nice lines and calming colors. I enjoy the patriotic colors and the "news like" appearance. Throughout the website, there is a constant repetition of font colors, alignments and use of proximity. Overall, it has a vertical layout, yet there is a horizontal scroll bar as well. The scroll bar isn't noticeable enough to make a negative mark on anyone's personal preferences. The content is in step with the theme of what DMagazine offers and sells them to be.
If I had to choose the website that I felt was more consistent and had the nicer presentation, I would go with the American Red Cross website. The content was less appealing to me personally, but it had a nice calming effect that was consistent with the overall tone of the organization. Easy to navigate, it was user-friendly and consistent throughout the entire time.