It's true. I am a terrible blogger. I wish that I could make up for my lack of dedication towards this particular blog, but I cannot make up for lost time. Therefore, I will press on and continue writing as if I have not skipped a beat!
Today is September 29. Can you believe it? In around two months it will be Thanksgiving! The first half to my junior year of college is slowly coming towards the end. My, how life flies! This semester has been a whirlwind of change -- good change. I have a new job at the Apple store, I am in two book clubs that deal with deeper spiritual issues (fantastic), and I really enjoy all of my classes. Yes, things are looking up for the girl who has never taken pride in academics. :)
How shall I make up for lost time? I'll give you a quick overview of this summer: counseled at two camps (in Nebraska and Colorado), worked a whole lot, visited New York, went to Marble Falls with the family, and got to spend quality time with my friends. Overall, it was a fantastic summer. Now that school is in full force, I feel that I have lost that spontaneous side to me. I no longer can get up and go take a quick roadtrip to Dallas or Ft. Worth for winter wardrobe shopping, I now must consult my planner and make sure that I have everything in order. I am guessing that I should get used to this way of life, it will only become harder as I become older.
Okay, enough with Debbie Downer -- Jesus is working in my life, once again! He never stops, does he? It really is quite incredible. Just when I begin to think "Okay, I think that He is done with me, what else is there for me to possibly learn?", He hits me with a new set of "issues" that I must go to Him for. My pride is the devil, I am sure of this. I am currently reading two books: "Celebration of Discipline" by Richard Foster and "Messy Spirituality" by Mike Yaconelli. "Celebration" is dealing with the spiritual disciplines and taking your walk with Christ to a whole new level; experiencing meditation the way it was intended, fasting for all of the right reasons, and reading His word with a new outlook. Fascinating book, go read it! "Messy" is dealing with grace and the beauty of His love for us, despite our imperfections. This book is really talking to me right now, I believe that Yaconelli grew up dealing with similar struggles that I deal with -- refreshing.
Growing up, I would look at my ambitious little sister and admire her for her goals and her aspirations. I would often wonder "Why can't I become driven like that? I am just as smart as her, right?". I was never quite able to pinpoint why my thinking was different than hers until recently: I do not desire to make very many goals because I don't want to end up letting myself down. This kind of thinking is NOT one that I wish that I had. Since when did I ever think that I was unable to achieve different goals that I had set for myself? Now that I see this reoccurring sin creep into every facet of my life, I must trust in the Lord for my strength, instead of fighting it with my own shallow willpower. Everyone has their burden that they must bear before they shed their earthly bodies, mine shall be that (among many other petty burdens that need not be mentioned).
Life truly is one incredible adventure. A quest that really never ends until you come face to face with the Creator. Thank goodness He has shown His care for us, because without it, we would all be one big mess.
Zechariah 3:1-5
"Then he showed me Joshua, the high priest standing before the angel of the Lord, and Satan standing at His right hand to accuse him. And the Lord said to Satan, "The Lord rebuke you, O Satan! The Lord who has chosen Jerusalem rebuke you! Is not this a brand plucked from the fire?" Now Joshua was standing before the angel, clothed with filthy garments. And the angel said to those who were standing before him, "Remove the filthy garments from him." And to him he said, "Behold I have taken your iniquity away from you, and I will clothe you with pure vestments.""
Monday, September 29, 2008
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Ma Ville Préférée

This spring break, I got the opportunity to go on a mission trip to San Francisco/Oakland, CA. I had two amazing leaders, Kevin and Lauren Bohlin, and one crazy, awesome team. There were 11 of us total: 6 guys and 5 girls. We left on Sunday, March 16, and arrived back in Texas on Saturday, March 22. Ministering to and caring for this community was an experience that I cannot and will not forget.
I was able to meet so many people whose lives were completely opposite as mine. There were many instances in which I was able to get to know the homeless and talk to them about how they got to be in the position that they were in now. Many were addicts, some were disabled, and others lazy. Whatever the reason, God has a heart for the broken and I found myself caring so much for these people than I thought was possible. Another group of people that I got to minister to were the youth of the Oakland area. The city of Oakland is a city of extremes. Whether it be the diversification or the socio-economic statuses, this town needs a lot of prayer. I find that caring for the next generation of this area was important to me. As I get older, the maternal side to my nature starts to become much more prominent. Seeing these children who were coming from broken, abusive households hurt my soul. My heart broke for them. Still breaks for them.
The church that we were able to work with was called Re:Generation, pastored by Todd Spitzer. The associate pastor, Albert Li, was our "tour-guide" and drove us to our destinations, and also helped us with anything and everything that we needed. He was such a blessing. The interns up at the church (Steve, Dave, Sean, Nate, etc.) were also so awesome. So so awesome. Words can't even describe how cool it was so watch and observe these young men who loved the Lord so much and who had such a heart for ministry. I struck up some friendships with them, and I will continue to keep them up. I felt like I had known all of them my entire life. We all became close. One of the sweet ladies through the church, Linda, told me of a summer internship opportunity, and asked if I would possibly be interested. It was an answer to prayer. I cannot imagine living my life, without doing ministering of some kind, and how great would it be to move out to California for a summer and work with the people there and love on the community? Just thinking about it gives me butterflies.
I'm sure you are wondering what exactly our team did during the trip? I'm getting right to it!
Monday: Worked with Gline Memorial Methodist Church and helped feed the homeless by serving the homeless food in their cafeteria. Then, we linked up with Y.W.A.M. (Youth With A Mission) and did a prayer walk around San Francisco. We also lead bible studies for homeless men, over 1Peter.
Tuesday: Went to Lockwood Elementary School and helped with an after-school tutoring program and got to love on the kids and tell them all about Jesus! We also dyed easter eggs, played 4-square, and wrote essays over Californian indians.
Wednesday: Worked with the local food bank, then went to Harbor House. H.H. is a house that children can go to for an after-school program, English Lessons, or they have a thrift store there that you can buy affordable clothes at. Afterwards, we were able to attend one of Re:Generation's Psalms bible studies. Amazing.
Thursday: Got to clean up a local school, Las Colitas, and also tutor a little boy Cesar in math. Afterwards, we went Gline Memorial Methodist Church to serve lunch to the homeless. Then, back to Harbor House, where we played with the kids and tutored them in math, as well. Later on that night, we lead the homeless bible study again, but this time it was over the fall of man, Gen. 3:1-13.
Friday: Headed into San Francisco, got to work with City Team and make the lunches, then handed them out at Baldwin Hotel to the homeless. Eye-opening experience, to say the least. Afterwards, we were able to go explore Fisherman's Wharf, which was exciting and beautiful! Friday night we atttended the Good Friday service held at the church, then headed back for some rest to wake up at 3am to make our flight!
All in all, I can't wait to go back. I'll be in California as soon as possible and will continue to keep praying that the Lord would lead me in the direction that I am to go. I am young, and the Lord has huge plans for my life that I can't wait to be a part of. Praise be to God, oh my soul!
Monday, March 10, 2008

I wish I was fluent in a language, any language. That way I could reach a people other than my own. It's just that the idea of doing missions in a place other than America sounds so much more appealing to me sometimes, although I know that I am a missionary in every situation that I am in. I do my very best, and that is all that the Lord has asked of me.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
You know those days, when everything turns out the way it was supposed to turn out? Every song that is randomly played on shuffle speaks straight to the core of you. You smile at every face that you pass on the sidewalk for no apparent reason. Even the shoes on your feet provide the right amount of support and cushion, making every forward-moving step feel like you're walking on air. Yes, I have had one of those glorious days.
Last night at Axcess, Shea spoke on holiness. Holiness is usually not a term that I would use to describe myself. If I were to stand in front of my class and declare that I was a believer and that I was also holy, they would probably look at me like I was some crazy, Christian lunatic who needs to sit down and stop making a fool of herself. The first picture that pops in my mind of someone who declares them self holy, would be of a pompous individual who think of himself as "holier than thou". That should not be the case for those who are called to be fishers of men. We are holy because He is holy, for we are a reflection of our God (Leviticus). So, the question is, how do we go about becoming holy in the sight of God without becoming legalistic?
All of my life, I have been raised that I must not cheat, steal, lie, drink, cuss, etc. But the true question is, why? Why not go cheat and steal? Heck, I would love to make an A over a B- any day, or be able to download free music off the internet. That's not so bad, is it? According to the scriptures, we (the body of Christ) are to be blameless in the sight of ALL men, for it is not proper among saints (Eph. 5:3). Shea said the coolest quote last night. He said, "Our lives are meant to give the telling of the gospel". How are we supposed to do this without becoming self-centered and losing sight of the true reason that we live this way?
In Ephesians 5:10, Paul says "and try to discern what is pleasing to the Lord". Ahhhh, sigh of relief. Even Paul knows that becoming holy is a process, a slow process. We cannot expect ourselves to wake up one day and sin no more, struggle no more, be tempted no more. It isn't possible because of our sinful nature, passed down from Adam. We must make the most of our days, and learn what pleases the Lord. How do we do this? The simple, but obvious way, reading His will, the holy scriptures. Once we read the word, obedience must follow. It's one thing to recognize our sin and to know that we must fix bad habits, but it's another to succumb to His will and obey fully. This part isn't the easiest part for me. I know that there are habits that I need to break, but I also know that these habits give me shallow satisfaction that I don't want to live without right now. Lord, have mercy on me, for I am a sinner.
All in all, hearing this message last night was just what my soul needed to hear. I left church feeling rejuvenated and revived, with a spirit full of hope and love for His body. We cannot expect to live a holy life alone, without the accountability of one another. It is so vital for growth and refinement. I am so incredibly thankful for Christ putting amazing, Godly people in my life that I know that I can run to in times of hardship. He has blessed me immensely, therefore I must make the most of my days. He has called me to that, for I am a saint in His holy kingdom!
How cool is that?

All of my life, I have been raised that I must not cheat, steal, lie, drink, cuss, etc. But the true question is, why? Why not go cheat and steal? Heck, I would love to make an A over a B- any day, or be able to download free music off the internet. That's not so bad, is it? According to the scriptures, we (the body of Christ) are to be blameless in the sight of ALL men, for it is not proper among saints (Eph. 5:3). Shea said the coolest quote last night. He said, "Our lives are meant to give the telling of the gospel". How are we supposed to do this without becoming self-centered and losing sight of the true reason that we live this way?
In Ephesians 5:10, Paul says "and try to discern what is pleasing to the Lord". Ahhhh, sigh of relief. Even Paul knows that becoming holy is a process, a slow process. We cannot expect ourselves to wake up one day and sin no more, struggle no more, be tempted no more. It isn't possible because of our sinful nature, passed down from Adam. We must make the most of our days, and learn what pleases the Lord. How do we do this? The simple, but obvious way, reading His will, the holy scriptures. Once we read the word, obedience must follow. It's one thing to recognize our sin and to know that we must fix bad habits, but it's another to succumb to His will and obey fully. This part isn't the easiest part for me. I know that there are habits that I need to break, but I also know that these habits give me shallow satisfaction that I don't want to live without right now. Lord, have mercy on me, for I am a sinner.
All in all, hearing this message last night was just what my soul needed to hear. I left church feeling rejuvenated and revived, with a spirit full of hope and love for His body. We cannot expect to live a holy life alone, without the accountability of one another. It is so vital for growth and refinement. I am so incredibly thankful for Christ putting amazing, Godly people in my life that I know that I can run to in times of hardship. He has blessed me immensely, therefore I must make the most of my days. He has called me to that, for I am a saint in His holy kingdom!
How cool is that?
Monday, February 18, 2008
Our daily bread

Sitting at Art Six, my favorite cafe and relaxation spot, I am troubled by how quickly time flies. Life is divided into multiple chapters that come and go, and before we have time to relish the moment that we are in, we are quickly spun into the next era of our livelihood. I have been praying that the Lord would teach my heart to be content with all walks of life, because I am so easily enticed by the thought of the next walks of life. God is so good and restores my restless heart by reminding me that we are given His daily bread and that I am granted another breath to breathe. I pray that God would give me the peace of living in His grace every day, and to thank Him for all of His daily blessings. At 5 o'clock in the evening, He has already blessed me more times than one. The ability to hear and to see and to touch and to taste are all blessings in themselves. How often do we take them for granted? I am able to witness the glory of God everyday in ways that many can not. Lord, have mercy on me, for I am a sinner.
I approach life as one great adventure. The Lord Almighty is my captain, I am his soldier that does as He commands. For me, life is not to be tainted as one dull, mundane experience that we must sluggishly suffer though. Life is to be swept up and embraced with every muscle and every heartache and every dream that He himself wishes upon us. Why live in fear or in the safeness of our home? Whom shall I fear with Him by my side! Praise be to God, oh my soul!
Monday, January 14, 2008
New Year, New Me
Hello all!
Seeing that this is my first official blogger post, I find it very hard to know exactly how to begin this post. There are no monumental marks that have taken place recently, no out-of-body experiences, and no apparent reasons as to why I should necessarily begin a blog. The thought of opening an account and writing the recent happenings and thoughts of my daily life dawned on me this morning. So now I jump and plunge myself into the waters of bloggers unknown! Bear with me while I figure this thing out :)

This morning was the first day of classes. It is always an exciting time: the bustle of students walking in and out of various buildings, figuring out your new weekly schedule that will define your life for the next five months or so, and the high-set goals for yourself at the beginning of each semester. Since I have just changed my major (yes, ladies and gentlemen, for the fourth time now...) to Public Relations-Journalism, I have a new attitude towards my classes and professors. It is refreshing to finally be enthralled by school, once again.
With the beginning of a new year, there are always new goals to be set and new markers to be reached. Like many of you, I have set a few reachable goals for myself. I plan to have my daily quiet times and to keep digging myself deeper and deeper into the scriptures and grow in Him more and more with each morning. I plan on doing better in my classes and to put forth the efforts that I know I am very capable of. I plan to keep myself in great shape and to continue shedding those pounds. I plan to doing things this year that I will never be able to do five years from now, for example, move to New York City with my sister for this upcoming fall and spring. I plan to be a light for Christ in every situation and circumstance that the Lord throws me into....
This list could go on and on, but instead of boring you to tears, I feel the need to end my first blog on this note: Christ has immensely blessed me with an incredibly talented family, amazing friends, and a blessed church. What more could a young woman ask for? This year holds so many exciting new opportunities and I approach it with vigilance and tenacity and pray that the Lord continues to shine down his mercy and love on His daughter. Until next time...
In His name,
Seeing that this is my first official blogger post, I find it very hard to know exactly how to begin this post. There are no monumental marks that have taken place recently, no out-of-body experiences, and no apparent reasons as to why I should necessarily begin a blog. The thought of opening an account and writing the recent happenings and thoughts of my daily life dawned on me this morning. So now I jump and plunge myself into the waters of bloggers unknown! Bear with me while I figure this thing out :)

This morning was the first day of classes. It is always an exciting time: the bustle of students walking in and out of various buildings, figuring out your new weekly schedule that will define your life for the next five months or so, and the high-set goals for yourself at the beginning of each semester. Since I have just changed my major (yes, ladies and gentlemen, for the fourth time now...) to Public Relations-Journalism, I have a new attitude towards my classes and professors. It is refreshing to finally be enthralled by school, once again.
With the beginning of a new year, there are always new goals to be set and new markers to be reached. Like many of you, I have set a few reachable goals for myself. I plan to have my daily quiet times and to keep digging myself deeper and deeper into the scriptures and grow in Him more and more with each morning. I plan on doing better in my classes and to put forth the efforts that I know I am very capable of. I plan to keep myself in great shape and to continue shedding those pounds. I plan to doing things this year that I will never be able to do five years from now, for example, move to New York City with my sister for this upcoming fall and spring. I plan to be a light for Christ in every situation and circumstance that the Lord throws me into....
This list could go on and on, but instead of boring you to tears, I feel the need to end my first blog on this note: Christ has immensely blessed me with an incredibly talented family, amazing friends, and a blessed church. What more could a young woman ask for? This year holds so many exciting new opportunities and I approach it with vigilance and tenacity and pray that the Lord continues to shine down his mercy and love on His daughter. Until next time...
In His name,
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