Sitting at Art Six, my favorite cafe and relaxation spot, I am troubled by how quickly time flies. Life is divided into multiple chapters that come and go, and before we have time to relish the moment that we are in, we are quickly spun into the next era of our livelihood. I have been praying that the Lord would teach my heart to be content with all walks of life, because I am so easily enticed by the thought of the next walks of life. God is so good and restores my restless heart by reminding me that we are given His daily bread and that I am granted another breath to breathe. I pray that God would give me the peace of living in His grace every day, and to thank Him for all of His daily blessings. At 5 o'clock in the evening, He has already blessed me more times than one. The ability to hear and to see and to touch and to taste are all blessings in themselves. How often do we take them for granted? I am able to witness the glory of God everyday in ways that many can not. Lord, have mercy on me, for I am a sinner.
I approach life as one great adventure. The Lord Almighty is my captain, I am his soldier that does as He commands. For me, life is not to be tainted as one dull, mundane experience that we must sluggishly suffer though. Life is to be swept up and embraced with every muscle and every heartache and every dream that He himself wishes upon us. Why live in fear or in the safeness of our home? Whom shall I fear with Him by my side! Praise be to God, oh my soul!
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