Monday, February 8, 2010

Jour 4250: February 8 Lecture

Today, we watched a film in class that discussed the role that gender stereotyping has been played throughout media and, in turn, has affected our society. For one, many times women are seen as sex objects that are used as mental pleasure toys to entice the male audience. Often, women's response to the stereotype is that they will play the stereotype up and continue to fulfill the part of the "seductress" because it is expected of them. The media and advertisers know that sex sells.

Another thing that we discussed in class was the Vanity Fair article that reported on the two "Queen B.'s" in broadcast media. Our discussion led us to talk about statistics, and that most men are CEOs of companies and many women do not feel the need to advance themselves corporately. I am an extremely headstrong woman and am gifted in many areas just as men are, but I personally do not want to be a leader in a corporate setting because ultimately I want to have a family. Having a family and taking care of my children is what I personally feel called to do. It is the most important job that I can think of, and I think that many women also feel that calling and therefore do not wish to live in the corporate world. I may be completely off, but I do feel that women are born with an innate sense of care and are much more affectionate than the majority of men. I, Emily McMeans, was born with the most important job to do; to take care of the next generation who will someday lead the country.

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