Monday, March 22, 2010

Jour 4250: March 22 Lecture

Tonight during class we discussed the gay community in the media and how they are portrayed. We watched a documentary on the stereotypes seen on the television, and the effects due to these portrayals. I am from a conservative, Christian household, and I have been taught that, first and foremost, all people are exactly equal. No matter what lifestyle we choose, we are still seen just as lovable as anyone else. Watching the documentary and hearing the class' comments made me realize that the GLBT community doesn't feel that love from society. They find unmatched love in their own community, but the moment they intermingle with the "other" communities (other than GLBT) there is a sense of displacement and loneliness. It breaks my heart to see and hear story after story of cruelty and hate. We live in a fallen world that can be selfish and self-serving, but it is our honor to "love one another as himself".

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