Monday, September 21, 2009

Print Design Critique #3: Sprint brochure

The design audience for the Sprint brochure is professionals, businesses, and adults who are looking for the most direct approach.  They don't need colorful graphics and fancy fonts for this brochure to appeal to them.  Proximity is used very nicely in this brochure.  There is white space that brings contrast throughout the wording and the tables.  All of the alignment is flush-left, which creates a nice, clean edge throughout the design.  It causes your eye to naturally move from line to line, and you don't have to search for the next piece of information.  The repetition seen in the brochure are the  colors used (black, gray and yellow); there are also two graphs that mirror each other so that you can compare the two very easily.  The words "Any mobile anytime" is repeated twice (on the second page and the last page), as well as the Sprint logo.  There is nice contrast.  Some of the text is worded on a gray text box which makes it stand out.  On the front page, There is a lot of great contrast: the large image, a yellow diagonal line along the left side, and a bold horizontal line along the top.  The piece is very unified, and the design elements do a great job tying it all together.  The design would not make every person stop and stare, but for its audience it fits perfectly.  I would not pick it up to read unless I just wanted statistics and to check out comparison among other cellphone service companies.  I do not think that I would change anything in this piece.  It is unified, professional, stands out, and is very clean.   

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