Friday, April 2, 2010

Jour 4250: March 30 Lecture

Monday evening, our class discussed men and how they are portrayed in the media. We watched a documentary that commented on the evolution of the expectations our society has put on men.

An example of this were the Star Wars action figurines. During the 1970s, the figurines were proportional without bulging muscles and looked like the actors that played Luke Skywalker, Han Solo and Darthvader. Fast forward 30 years, and the figurines look more like steroid-abusing football players. This representation of what a "man" should look like can confuse boys, and unsaid expectations are put on them.

It was an entertaining lecture. I left being thankful that I'm a girl.

1 comment:

Tracy Everbach said...

Thanks, Emily, for all your insightful posts, and for always keeping up with your blogging. Keep up the great work. I enjoy having you in class! BLOG GRADE: A