Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Jour 4460: Rockbrook Meeting

On Monday, April 19, me and Ashley went to Rockbrook Elementary in Lewisville to speak with Elaine Wilson, the secretary in charge of scheduling field trips. She was a kind woman with at warm smile. She greeted us at the front of the office and lead us to her little office.

We asked her what exactly it takes to plan an entire field trip and the process to pass with all the parents and staff. She spoke about the price of renting a bus, and the hassle it is to pay a bus company when they’re not actively using them. The Parent Teacher Association (PTA) pays for the buses on field trips.

Elaine was very excited about the possibility of the A-Train becoming available to the Lewisville Independent School Disctrict (LISD), and she thought that this idea could go very far. She commented on the educational aspect to train rides, how fun they can be, and how willing parents will be once they discover the A-Train as a new way of transportation.

Overall, the meeting with Wilson was an incredible experience, and very encouraging to me and Ashley. She joked and said, “Rockbrook better get a discount once this thing picks up!” She gave us a few names and phone numbers to get more information about transportation options and safety regulations.

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