Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Jour 4460: Almost Done

This is the last homestretch. Graduation is in August and I could not be more ready. Unfortunately, I’ll get to cheer my classmates on as they cross the threshold of adulthood while I postpone my personal celebration until the end of summer. Despite my own woes of summer school, I’m happy for the friends I’ve made, and can’t wait to see where they will go next.

The public relations program is beginning to feel more and more like family. Classes become extremely small, and everyone’s schedule turns out to be the same. Seeing familiar faces each day makes me want to come to class. Not only are they my classmates, but dear friends that I get along with and love to talk to. The size of the program pushes me to become a better student, listener and learner. Having a personal connection to each girl and boy in my classes involves me. I look forward to catching up with friends, and seeing how internships are turning out.

Yes, I am thrilled to be a part of this incredible program. Not only are the people wonderful, but also the opportunities this program brings will last a lifetime. My portfolio is extremely impressive because of the projects and papers I have been forced to create. During the moments of insane amounts of homework and projects, I find myself thrilled to the core that I am stretching my personal boundaries in ways I never have before.

Thank goodness I am able to walk away from this program with more than a diploma in my hand. I have my work to prove all that I have learned, and this is more helpful than any degree I could get. I see friends of mine with sociology and history degrees who cannot get jobs because of their lack of knowledge in real world situations. I feel confident in all that I have learned because of the real world experiences I have taken part of.

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